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Come Visit And Worship With Us

Whether you want to know more about our work, can’t find the answer to a question on our website, wish to make a donation, or just want to say hello, why not contact the church directly by completing and submitting the form below to send us an email.

    I consent to having St John's Episcopal Church, Aberdeen, collect my name and email


    St John’s Place
    Aberdeen, AB11 6NG



    Morning Prayer Online 9:30am – 10:30am
    Sung Eucharist 11:00am – 12:30pm


    Taizé Reflective Eucharist 7:30pm – 8:30pm


    Morning Prayer in St John’s 8:30am – 9:30am


    If you’d prefer to give us a call,
    we’d love to hear from you.

    01224 596196 or 07984 891894

    The Vestry And Contact Details

    The Vestry is the elected church council who oversee the running of the church and make decisions on behalf of the congregation. These can range from organising fundraising and activities and managing finances to caring for property and planning for the future. Under charity law, the members of the Vestry are the Trustees of the church.

    Assistant Curate: Reverend Dr Jenny Holden  – 01224 596196 or 07984 891894 or email at

    Rector’s Warden: Tom Ferguson (General Contact/Hall Bookings) – 01224 873519

    People’s Warden: Sam Hardman (contact via form above)

    K2 Meals And Pizza And Film Nights: Reverend Dr Jenny Holden  – 01224 596196 or 07984 891894 or email at

    Note emails can be sent using the Contact Form above.